2620 J Street - #06, Sacramento, CA 95816

2620 J Street - #06, Sacramento, CA 95816

Midtown Office Spaces Available With Onsite Parking

Victorian building with an office space available on the second floor.
Office space includes it's private restroom.
Centrally located in midtown.
On-site parking behind the building per availability.
Newley remodeled shared full kitchen.

Applications can be found here: www.golyonpm.com, processed first come, first served and not until you view the property. For additional info, please contact Lyon Property Management, Shawna Romero, sromero@golyon.com, (916) 978-4282

Rental Criteria:
Minimum FICO score of 650
Minimum income of 2.5 times monthly rent
No evictions/No collections/No co-signers
Lyon PM is an Equal Opportunity Housing Provider

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